Curt Widhalm
Curt Widhalm is in private practice in the Los Angeles area. He is the co-host for The Modern Therapist’s Survival Guide podcast, cofounder of the Therapy Reimagined conference, an Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine University, a former Subject Matter Expert for the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, former CFO for the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, and a loving husband and father.
Curt is 1/2 great person, 1/2 provocateur, and 1/2 geek, in that order. He dabbles in the dark art of making “dad jokes” and usually has a half-empty cup of coffee somewhere nearby.
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Katie Vernoy
Katie Vernoy is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, coach, and consultant supporting leaders, visionaries, executives, and helping professionals to create sustainable careers. Katie, with Curt, has developed The Modern Therapist’s Survival Guide Podcast, workshops, and the Therapy Reimagined conference to support therapists navigating through the modern challenges of this profession.
Katie is also Past President of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. In her spare time, Katie is secretly siphoning off Curt’s youthful energy, so that she can take over the world.
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Please Note
Our opinions are our own. We are only speaking for ourselves – except when we speak for each other, or over each other. We’re working on it.
Our guests are also only speaking for themselves and have their own opinions. We aren’t trying to take their voice, and no one speaks for us either. Mostly because they don’t want to, but hey.