So You Want to Plan a Conference
#ModernTherapistProblems, Burnout, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Therapist Education, Time Management
So You Want to Plan a Conference
Curt and Katie talk about the ups and downs of planning Therapy Reimagined 2018. We share tips and tricks for planning an event as well as things we’re going to do differently next year.
It’s time…
Addressing the Burnout Machine
#ModernTherapistProblems, Burnout, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Supervision
Addressing the Burnout System
Curt and Katie talk about taking personal responsibility to decrease the impacts of the “Burnout Machine” that is the mental health profession. We look at what should go into an ideal work place and actions…
The Burnout System
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Burnout, Crisis Management, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Pre-Licensed
The Burnout System
Curt and Katie talk about how the mental health system is set up to lead to burnout. We look at how therapists typically develop over their careers and how educational, licensing, regulation, and business factors can get…
A Bit of Advice
#ModernTherapistProblems, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Whole Person Therapist
A Bit of Advice
Curt and Katie talk about advice-giving in session, looking at the complexities, pros and cons, and how and when to give advice to clients.
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. To support…
Bad Business Practices
#ModernTherapistProblems, Business, Curt and Katie Chat, Deliberate Practice, Efficiency, Modern Therapist Podcast
Bad Business Practices
Curt and Katie talk about the mistakes that therapists make in their business that can impact their clinical practice, their financial stability, and their reputation both with their colleagues and their clients.
Therapy Reimagined
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Burnout, Business, Curt and Katie Chat, Diversity and Cultural Competence, Modern Therapist Podcast
Therapy Reimagined
Curt and Katie talk about reimagining therapy, starting a #therapymovement, and pulling together a community to put on a conference
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. To support you…
That’s Unethical!
#ModernTherapistProblems, Curt and Katie Chat, Law and Ethics, Marketing and Branding, Modern Therapist Podcast, Social Media
That's Unethical!
Curt and Katie talk about people who yell “That’s Unethical” whenever they disagree with what someone else is doing. It could be ethics, but it might actually be legal, clinically relevance, values, morals, what “should”…
What Clients Want
#ModernTherapistProblems, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Whole Person Therapist
What Clients Want
Curt and Katie talk about the therapeutic alliance - challenges of defining it, what clients think about it, and how to incorporate best practices.
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist.…
Dual Relationships – Pros and Cons
#ModernTherapistProblems, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Social Media
Dual Relationships – Pros and Cons
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. To support you as a whole person and a therapist, your hosts, Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy talk about how to approach the role of…
Toxic Work Environments
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Supervision
Toxic Work Environments
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. To support you as a whole person and a therapist, your hosts, Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy talk about how to approach the role of therapist in…