An ER Doctor Reflects on Gun Violence, Health Inequities, and Moral Injury: An interview with Dr. Ruby J. Long
#ModernTherapistProblems, Burnout, COVID-19, Crisis Management, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Special Populations, Suicide, WorkforceAn ER Doctor Reflects on Gun Violence, Health Inequities, and Moral Injury: An interview with Dr. Ruby J. Long
Curt and Katie interview Dr. Ruby Long, ER doctor and restorative justice advocate, about the devastating impact of gun violence…

Are You Burned Out or Are You Bored?
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Burnout, Business, COVID-19, Curt and Katie Chat, Mentorship, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Supervision, Whole Person TherapistAre You Burned Out or Are You Bored?
Curt and Katie chat about another type of burnout, “bore out.” We explore the difference between burnout and boredom. We talk about what might be unique to therapists’ jobs that would lead to boredom.…

Advocacy in the Wake of Looming Mental Healthcare Workforce Shortages
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Burnout, Business, COVID-19, Curt and Katie Chat, In the News, Modern Therapist Podcast, Workforce
Advocacy in the Wake of Looming Mental Healthcare Workforce Shortages
Curt and Katie chat about the looming (and current) mental health workforce shortages. We talk about the exodus of mental health providers, legislation and proposed bills…

Waiving Goodbye to Telehealth Progress, An Interview with Dr. Ben Caldwell, LMFT
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Business, COVID-19, Law and Ethics, Modern Therapist Podcast, Pre-Licensed, Supervision, Workforce
Waiving Goodbye to Telehealth Progress, An Interview with Dr. Ben Caldwell, LMFT
An interview with Dr. Ben Caldwell, LMFT about the impacts of rolling back the covid telehealth waivers. Curt and Katie talk with Ben about how the expiration…

The Return of Why Therapists Quit
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Burnout, Business, COVID-19, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Money, Self-Care, Time Management, Whole Person Therapist, Workforce
The Return of Why Therapists Quit
Curt and Katie chat about how therapists can maintain joy in their practice when they begin to feel burned out. We explore different ways to incorporate self-care into your life and practice, including making…

What the Grief Just Happened? An Interview with Sonya Lott, Ph.D.
#ModernTherapistProblems, COVID-19, Modern Therapist Podcast
What the Grief Just Happened? An Interview with Sonya Lott, Ph.D.
An interview with Sonya Lott, Ph.D, on how COVID has impacted our experience of grief. Curt and Katie talk with Sonya about the types of grief people are experiencing and how…

Post Pandemic Practice
#ModernTherapistProblems, Business, COVID-19, Curt and Katie Chat, Law and Ethics, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Time Management
Post Pandemic Practice
Curt and Katie chat about what our practices can look like post pandemic. We explore the creativity that the pandemic has inspired and what the clinical and business implications might be for continuing in flexible…

Partners of Therapists
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Burnout, COVID-19, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Whole Person Therapist
Partners of Therapists
Curt and Katie chat about how our job and training can impact our partners. We look at the benefits like emotional intelligence, resilience, and perspective. We also look at the challenges therapists and their partners…

Overcoming Your Poverty Mindset, An Interview with Tiffany McLain, LMFT
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Burnout, Business, COVID-19, Diversity and Cultural Competence, Modern Therapist Podcast, Money, Whole Person Therapist, Workforce
Overcoming Your Poverty Mindset, An Interview with Tiffany McLain, LMFT
An interview with Tiffany McLain about how therapists deserve to make a good living and often do not. Curt and Katie interview Tiffany regarding her perspectives related…

Taking a Shot at Vaccinations
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Business, COVID-19, Crisis Management, Curt and Katie Chat, In the News, Law and Ethics, Modern Therapist Podcast, Supervision, Therapist Safety, Workforce
Taking a Shot at Vaccinations
Curt and Katie chat about Covid vaccinations and how that will impact your work as a therapist. We look at who can be required to get a vaccine, what accommodations can be made for people who do not want to (or…