Do Therapists Lie to Their Clients?
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Law and Ethics, Modern Therapist Podcast, Skeptics and Outliers, Therapist Safety, Whole Person TherapistDo Therapists Lie to Their Clients?
Curt and Katie chat about whether therapists are dishonest and whether they should be. We received a request from a listener to talk about the idea that therapists lie to their clients. We look at what types…
Welcome to Therapist Grad School!
#ModernTherapistProblems, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Pre-Licensed, Self-Care, Therapist Education, Whole Person Therapist, WorkforceWelcome to Therapist Grad School!
Curt and Katie chat about what the career is like, what is important to know starting out in grad school. We look at what prospective therapists need to know as they enter school, including hard truths and…
Are Therapist Conferences Elitist? An interview with Linda Thai, LMSW
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Mentorship, Modern Therapist Podcast, Networking, Skeptics and Outliers, Therapist Education, Whole Person TherapistAre Therapist Conferences Elitist? An interview with Linda Thai, LMSW
Curt and Katie interview Linda Thai on her experiences as a conference attendee, keynote speaker, and educator. We discussed the need for more accessible, community-centric,…
How Much is Too Much? Thoughts on therapists being too branded, niched, and political
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Curt and Katie Chat, Deliberate Practice, Modern Therapist Podcast, Skeptics and Outliers, Whole Person TherapistHow Much is Too Much? Thoughts on therapists being too branded, niched, and political
Curt and Katie chat about the delicate balance between authenticity and influence in therapy, with a focus on avoiding bias and discrimination while still…
Should We Stop Badmouthing Evidence Based Practice? An interview with Jessica Tappana, LCSW
#ModernTherapistProblems, Deliberate Practice, Modern Therapist Podcast, Skeptics and Outliers, Supervision, Therapist Education, Whole Person TherapistShould We Stop Badmouthing Evidence Based Practice? An interview with Jessica Tappana, LCSW
Curt and Katie interview Jessica Tappana, LCSW about evidence-based practices (EBPs). We talk about what EBPs actually are and how to implement them…
No Cap: It’s Time to Glow Up Your Teen Therapy Skills
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Curt and Katie Chat, Modern Therapist Podcast, Special Populations, Therapist Education, Whole Person TherapistNo Cap: It’s Time to Glow Up Your Teen Therapy Skills
Curt and Katie chat about how to work effectively with teen clients. We look at what adults often get wrong about teens as well as how therapists can develop real relationships with their…
More Than Cogs in the Machine: Bringing trauma-informed principles into the workplace
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Burnout, Business, Continuing Education, Curt and Katie Chat, Diversity and Cultural Competence, Efficiency, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Supervision, Whole Person Therapist, WorkforceMore Than Cogs in the Machine: Bringing trauma-informed principles into the workplace
Curt and Katie chat about trauma-informed workplaces. We explore what a trauma informed workplace is, why it is important to implement, and how best to do…
Pursuing Happiness as a Therapist: An interview with Stevon Lewis, LMFT
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Burnout, Business, Efficiency, Marketing and Branding, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Skeptics and Outliers, Social Media, Whole Person TherapistPursuing Happiness as a Therapist: An interview with Stevon Lewis, LMFT
Curt and Katie interview Stevon Lewis, LMFT, about how he makes his career more sustainable. We look at his current philosophies around low effort, alignment, and fun.…
On The Move: How Run Walk Talk Therapy Reshapes Mental Health An interview with Sepideh Saremi, LCSW
Authentic Self, Business, Modern Therapist Podcast, Skeptics and Outliers, Whole Person TherapistOn The Move: How Run Walk Talk Therapy Reshapes Mental Health An interview with Sepideh Saremi, LCSW
Curt and Katie interview Sepideh Saremi, LCSW, on her therapy model, Run Walk Talk. We look at the practicalities and clinical benefit of including…
What Can Therapists Do About the Loneliness Epidemic?
#ModernTherapistProblems, Burnout, Curt and Katie Chat, In the News, Modern Therapist Podcast, Skeptics and Outliers, Special Populations, Suicide, Whole Person TherapistWhat Can Therapists Do About the Loneliness Epidemic?
Curt and Katie chat about loneliness as a presenting problem in therapy. We explore the misconceptions about loneliness and how therapists often go to fix the problem rather than understand…