Beyond Selling the Couch, An Interview with Melvin Varghese, PhD
#ModernTherapistProblems, Business, Efficiency, Investment, Modern Therapist Podcast, Money, Networking, Technology
Beyond Selling the Couch, An Interview with Melvin Varghese, PhD
An interview with Melvin Varghese, Ph.D., on how he has created and nurtured three therapist-related businesses. Curt and Katie talk with him about how he decided what to create…

Simplify It
Efficiency, Investment, Modern Therapist Blog, Time ManagementWhen you’re learning a job or starting (or growing) a business, it’s hard to do things well. You have to first figure out what you’re doing THEN you can think about how you want to do it.
Many people in our field get stuck doing things…

How to Post Enough Stuff
Efficiency, Modern Therapist Blog, Social Media, Time ManagementEveryone tells you that all #ModernTherapists need to have a blog, a podcast, a newsletter, and tons of social media posts. That’s not totally true, but it certainly can be helpful to put some nice content out there to share with your audience.…

Bad Business Practices
#ModernTherapistProblems, Business, Curt and Katie Chat, Deliberate Practice, Efficiency, Modern Therapist Podcast
Bad Business Practices
Curt and Katie talk about the mistakes that therapists make in their business that can impact their clinical practice, their financial stability, and their reputation both with their colleagues and their clients.

Delegating Virtually Anything, An Interview with Uriah Guilford, MFT
#ModernTherapistProblems, Business, Efficiency, Modern Therapist Podcast
Delegating Virtually Anything, An Interview with Uriah Guilford, MFT
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. We are human beings who can now present ourselves as whole people, with authenticity, purpose, and…

Make Your Paperwork Meaningful: An Interview with Maelisa Hall, Psy.D.
#ModernTherapistProblems, Efficiency, Law and Ethics, Modern Therapist Podcast
Make Your Paperwork Meaningful: An Interview with Maelisa Hall, Psy.D.
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. We are human beings who can now present ourselves as whole people, with authenticity, purpose, and…

It’s Time to Think About Your Goals
#ModernTherapistProblems, Curt and Katie Chat, Efficiency, Modern Therapist Podcast, Time Management
It’s Time to Think About Your Goals
Curt and Katie chat about setting realistic goals instead of making hard to keep New Years resolutions. The wisdom of making lifestyle changes and good habits is discussed as well as making sure your…

Creating an Effective Schedule
#ModernTherapistProblems, Curt and Katie Chat, Efficiency, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Time Management
Creating an Effective Schedule
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. We are human beings who can now present ourselves as whole people, with authenticity, purpose, and connection. Especially now, when therapists…