Photo ID: A desk with a laptop set up on it with text overlay "Episode 321: Revisiting SEO and AI – Ethics and best practices: An Interview with Danica Wolf"

Revisiting SEO and AI – Ethics and best practices: An Interview with Danica Wolf

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Revisiting SEO and AI – Ethics and best practices: An Interview with Danica Wolf Curt and Katie interview Danica Wolf, COO of Simplified SEO Consulting, on the basics of SEO and how AI is being used in marketing. We look at best practices…
Photo ID: A Holy Bible laying on a table with text overlay "Episode 320: How Can You Create an Ethical Faith-Based Practice? An Interview with Whitney Owens, LPC"

How Can You Create an Ethical Faith-Based Practice? An Interview with Whitney Owens, LPC

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How Can You Create an Ethical Faith-Based Practice? An Interview with Whitney Owens, LPC Curt and Katie interview Whitney Owens, LPC of Wise Practice, about faith-based practice. We look at what therapists can get wrong when considering incorporating…
Photo ID: Three potatoes with cartoon eyes with fire flaming around them and text overlay "Episode 317: Liability Hot Potato: Defensive Therapy practices that give clients inadequate care, a continuing education podcourse!"

Liability Hot Potato: Defensive Therapy practices that give clients inadequate care

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Liability Hot Potato: Defensive Therapy practices that give clients inadequate care Curt and Katie chat about defensive therapy practices. We talk about how therapists avoid liability by practicing defensively, which can harm our clients. We…
Photo ID: Hands typing on a laptop with text overlay "Episode 310: Oklahoma Bureaucrats Want Your Mental Health Records"

Oklahoma Bureaucrats Want Your Mental Health Records

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Oklahoma Bureaucrats Want Your Mental Health Records Curt and Katie chat about some Oklahoma legislation about health information exchange. We talk about what a health information exchange is, the concerns with Oklahoma’s legislation related…
Photo ID: A mobile phone with the logo for OpenAI on the screen sitting on an open laptop with text overlay "Episode 306: Is AI Smart for Your Therapy Practice? The ethics of artificial intelligence in therapy"

Is AI Smart for Your Therapy Practice? The ethics of artificial intelligence in therapy

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Is AI Smart for Your Therapy Practice? The ethics of artificial intelligence in therapy Curt and Katie chat about the use of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence as part of your therapy practice. We look at what uses therapists are considering,…
Photo ID: Hands holding a mobile phone as if they are actively using it, with text overlay "Episode 297: What is Actually Therapy"

What Actually is Therapy?

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What Actually is Therapy? Curt and Katie chat about the confusing laws related to telehealth and other technologies that open up questions of how therapy is actually defined. We look at what is not therapy, what constitutes a therapy session,…
Photo ID: Arms with hands folded together resting on a book with text overlay "Episode 296: Am I honoring my personal values or am I discriminating? An exploration of ethics for modern therapists"

Am I Honoring My Personal Values OR Am I Discriminating? An exploration of ethics for modern therapists

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Am I Honoring My Personal Values OR Am I Discriminating? An exploration of ethics for modern therapists Curt and Katie chat about what therapists should be considering when their strongly held personal values or moral beliefs conflict with…
Photo ID: Two translucent faces, one teal one red with text overlay "Episode 288 It’s the Lack of Thought That Counts: Ethical Decision Making in Dual Relationships. A continuing education podcourse!"

It’s the Lack of Thought That Counts: Ethical Decision Making in Dual Relationships

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It’s the Lack of Thought That Counts: Ethical Decision Making in Dual Relationships Curt and Katie chat about dual relationships. We talk about the types of dual relationships, how often therapists get in trouble for these types of relationships,…
Photo ID: A Canadian flag at half mast against a sunset sky with text overlay "Episode 281: Medical Assistance in Death (MAiD) in Canada: Mental Illness and Assisted Suicide"

Medical Assistance in Death (MAiD) in Canada: Mental Illness and Assisted Suicide

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Medical Assistance in Death (MAiD) in Canada: Mental Illness and Assisted Suicide Curt and Katie chat about assisted suicide related to an upcoming expansion of the MAiD laws in Canada to include mental illness. We discuss what these laws…
Photo ID: A pen writing on lined paper with text overlay "Episode 275: What Goes in Your Notes? Interstate therapy practice and documentation for clients considering abortion or gender affirming care"

What Goes in Your Notes? Interstate therapy practice and documentation for clients considering abortion or gender affirming care

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What Goes in Your Notes? Interstate therapy practice and documentation for clients considering abortion or gender affirming care Curt and Katie chat about documentation and practice questions related to abortion or gender affirming care when…