One Hundred
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Business, Curt and Katie Chat, Deliberate Practice, Diversity and Cultural Competence, Marketing and Branding, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care
One Hundred
Curt and Katie reflect on 100 podcast episodes, what the experience has been like, and where we want to take the podcast next.
It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. To support you as a whole…
Please Stop Running!
Efficiency, Modern Therapist Blog, Self-Care, Time ManagementWe need to stop running! Not all of you amazing marathon runners – you all keep up the good work. We’re talking about the busy-ness and chaos that ensues when there’s too much to do and no time to breathe. It feels like so many people…
The Mental Load of Therapists
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care
The Mental Load of Therapists
An interview with Shira Myrow, LMFT about how therapists carry a mental load for their clients, in addition to the load they carry as entrepreneurs and people. Curt and Katie talk with Shira about how to identify…
Outside Obsessions
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Curt and Katie Chat, Deliberate Practice, Marketing and Branding, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care
Outside Obsessions
Curt and Katie talk about how therapists’ outside passions and pursuits can come into the therapy room. We talk about the thought, consideration, and intention that can help these elevate your practice, rather than hurt…
Integrative Psychiatry
#ModernTherapistProblems, Modern Therapist Podcast, Referrals, Self-Care
Integrative Psychiatry
An interview with Lana Benedek, MD, integrative psychiatrist, on how psychiatry can be practiced differently (not just prescribing medication). Curt and Katie talk with Lana about the importance of focusing on the whole…
Managing Chronic Pain and Illness
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care
Managing Chronic Pain and Illness
An interview with Daniela Paolone, LMFT about how she treats clients with chronic pain and illnesses while navigating her own diagnosis. Curt and Katie talked with Daniela about how typical therapy doesn’t…
Clinical Versus Business Decisions
#ModernTherapistProblems, Business, Curt and Katie Chat, Law and Ethics, Modern Therapist Podcast, Money, Self-Care
Clinical Versus Business Decisions
Curt and Katie talk about how to make sure that you are making decisions that respect clinical and business principles AND meet the requirements for laws and ethics.
It’s time to reimagine therapy and…
Vulnerability, The News, and You: An Interview with Dr. Abigail Weissman
#ModernTherapistProblems, Advocacy, Diversity and Cultural Competence, In the News, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Special Populations
Vulnerability, The News, and You: An Interview with Dr. Abigail Weissman
An interview with Dr. Abigail Weissman, a psychologist and self-proclaimed “super queer.” Curt and Katie talk with Abi about how she decides which aspects of her…
The Neuroscience of Stress
#ModernTherapistProblems, Burnout, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care
The Neuroscience of Stress
A LIVE interview with Celisa Flores, Psy.D. – Curt and Katie talk with Celisa about what stress does to you and your body and what therapists can do to take better care of their bodies, their brains, and their…
Being Truly Mindful
#ModernTherapistProblems, Modern Therapist Podcast, Self-Care, Time Management
Being Truly Mindful
An interview with Ashley Graber, LMFT – Curt and Katie talk with Ashley about mindfulness and meditation – how to incorporate into daily life, considerations for teaching your clients, and the things that therapists…