Clinician AND Entrepreneur

Clinician AND Entrepreneur, An Interview with Jo Muirhead

An interview with Jo Muirhead, chief life changer and business coach, on how self-promotion positively impacts your clinical work. We also talk about how therapists need to invest in their business training to be a successful entrepreneur.

It’s time to reimagine therapy and what it means to be a therapist. We are human beings who can now present ourselves as whole people, with authenticity, purpose, and connection. Especially now, when therapists must develop a personal brand to market their practices.

To support you as a whole person and a therapist, your hosts, Curt Widhalm and Katie Vernoy talk about how to approach the role of therapist in the modern age.

Interview with Jo Muirhead

Jo is all about connecting people to purpose through inspiration and innovation.  She is the Founder, Director and Principal Consultant of Purple Co (, a team of specialist allied health consultants dedicated to helping people who experience injury, illness and trauma reclaim their lives through work. Jo is passionate about the health benefits of work and truly believes that everyone has the right to meaningful and rewarding employment. Purple Co grew out of this belief as a truncated form of PURpose for peoPLE.

Jo and her team also provide a range of career development and coaching services to professionals who are ready to explore change in their career and find the map towards career fulfillment.

Jo is Uber passionate about private practice.  You should see the video on her home page of her website. She loves to empower clinicians to build profitable and sustainable businesses through doing more of the work they love, the way they love to do it (

In this episode we talk about:

  • Jo’s story of being told she couldn’t build her business and doing it anyway
  • Being an entrepreneur and thinking bigger than what is in front of you, thinking ahead of your clients
  • The tendency for therapists to follow “the rules” to their detriment
  • What an entrepreneurial clinician means
  • Self-promotion and marketing
  • How professional organizations and ethical codes are behind the times related to self-promotion
  • The tendency of people to judge others in the FB groups
  • Getting in the head and the heart of your client, so you can give them something of value
  • What we miss in the therapeutic relationship when we stay too clinical
  • How consumers have changed since the dawn of the internet
  • The differences across countries related to practicing therapy
  • The importance of understanding what is going on in the world and how it impacts what you can do as an entrepreneur
  • Looking at the code of conduct or ethics code to determine how you behave as a professional
  • How therapists get in their own way by only “investing” in the free stuff to learn business
  • What to do when you don’t know what you don’t know
  • The trouble with jumping too early into alternative revenue streams
  • Managing expectations around what you can make and how to set up your business
  • The difference between alternative revenue streams and marketing tools
  • The most harmful myths that have been put out there about entrepreneurship
  • How so many people access information and don’t implement it
  • The shocking truth that not everyone needs to be in private practice
  • Working out what works best for you
  • Investing money AND time in building your business
  • What you should invest in first, when building a private practice
  • Getting clarity on who you are, what you do well, and how you move forward
  • Jo’s pushing against the “7-Step System” models that so many coaches use
  • Jo’s best advice for therapists wanting to become entrepreneurial clinicians

Resources mentioned:

We’ve pulled together any resources mentioned in this episode and put together some handy-dandy

This is Private Practice

Jo on Facebook

The Entrepreneurial Clinician by Jo Muirhead


Previous Episodes Mentioned:

The Brand Called You


Who we are:

Curt Widhalm is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in the Los Angeles area. He is a Board Member at Large for the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, a Subject Matter Expert for the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, Adjunct Faculty at Pepperdine University, and a loving husband and father. He is 1/2 great person, 1/2 provocateur, and 1/2 geek, in that order. He dabbles in the dark art of making “dad jokes” and usually has a half-empty cup of coffee somewhere nearby. Learn more about Curt at

Katie Vernoy is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, coach, and consultant. As a helping professional for two decades, she’s navigated the ups and downs of our unique line of work. She’s run her own solo therapy practice, designed innovative clinical programs, built and managed large, thriving teams of service providers, and consulted hundreds of helping professionals on how to build meaningful AND sustainable practices. In her spare time, Katie is secretly siphoning off Curt’s youthful energy, so that she can take over the world. Learn more about Katie at

A Quick Note:

Our opinions are our own. We are only speaking for ourselves – except when we speak for each other, or over each other. We’re working on it.

Our guests are also only speaking for themselves and have their own opinions. We aren’t trying to take their voice, and no one speaks for us either. Mostly because they don’t want to, but hey.

Stay in Touch:


Voice Over by DW McCann

Music by Crystal Grooms Mangano

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