Get Paid to Speak
#ModernTherapistProblems, Business, Marketing and Branding, Modern Therapist Podcast, Money, Referrals
Get Paid to Speak
An interview with Dr. Laura Louis, CEO of Couch to Podium, on how to move into public speaking as a therapist. We look at best practices, what therapists get wrong, and how to get started.
It’s time to reimagine therapy…
Defining the Therapy Movement
#ModernTherapistProblems, Authentic Self, Business, Curt and Katie Chat, Diversity and Cultural Competence, Modern Therapist Podcast, Networking, Self-Care, Supervision
Defining the Therapy Movement
Live Podcast: Curt and Katie are live at Therapy Reimagined 2019. We talk about what the #therapymovement aspires to accomplish. We talk about the broken educational system, the need for a livable wage, the ways…